Monday, 24 February 2025

QLX louvered box wagon.

In the early 1960’s, QGR was approaching 100 years of service and was about to turn the corner into a new era. Diesels were replacing steam, wooden wagons with low carrying capacity were being replaced with high capacity steel wagons with the ability of running at high speeds. Along with this the method for handling goods and freight was changing. The days of loading a wagon carton by carton was being replaced with forklifts lifting one ton pallets stacked with cartons. The QGR fleet of wooden box wagons were not suitable for this type of operation. Even the small number of newish steel box wagons (CLC, BLC) capable for higher speeds were not ideal.  

September 1963, Commonwealth Engineering delivered a new covered louvered GLC wagon capable of carrying 20 pallets on the floor. The wagon could carry 30 tons and run on passenger trains at 50 MPH. By June 1965, 300 wagons have been delivered.   By 1977 there had been no fewer than 12 more contracts for the wagons with a total of 1,350 wagons in service. 

The wagons became the main stay of goods/ freight operations until containerized freight took over. They became the back bone of express freight services across the state and were regularly used on passenger train services particularly to western locations. By the late 1980’s, early 1990’s containers became the predominate means for moving freight and they became slowly redundant. By about 2000, hundreds of the class were stored around the state in a very poor condition and covered in graffiti. Around 2010 there was mass scrapping of the class. The last regular use of the wagons in general freight came to an end following the Toowoomba/Lockyer Valley floods in 2011 where the Toowoomba range was closed for three months. The freight was transferred to road and never returned to rail. At the time plans had commenced to replace the wagons with containers beyond Toowoomba. In 2012 a couple of wagons were used as store wagons (securing equipment on the return trip) on pipe trains to the SWQ. 

From the late 1980’s the class became the go to place for new wagons for other traffic types. The louvered body was removed (many were sold as farm sheds) and the underframe used to make new wagons.   

Looking at the wagon they all have the shape, later wagons had a few sheeted panels. Given they were built over a 14 year period the braking system varied quite a bit.  Over the years a modification or two was carried out as well. 


Length over underframe

41 ft. 6 ins.

Length over Body

42 ft.

Length over buffers

44 ft. 11 ins.

Width over Body

8 ft. 8 ins.

Width over door runners

9 ft. 4 ins (Loading Gauge Limit) 

Bogie Centres

29 ft.6 ins.


2 approx. 20 ft. 6½ ins long by 8 ft. 1in wide


12 ft. 1 in.


8 ft. ½ in wide by 6 ft. 9⅝ ins high.

Rail to floor

3 ft. 5 in approx..

Ave. Tare

17 T. – 18 c.

Carry All Lines

22 T.- 2c. 

Carry 12 TAL

30 T - 2 c.

Wheel dia.

2 ft. 9½ ins.

Cubic Capacity

2430 c.ft. (without roof) 2596 c. ft. incl. roof.

Unit Length

2.6   (2.7 metric after 1972)

The outside sliding doors were more weather proof than the previous inside doors on the BLC and CLC wagons. When new and when the wagons visited workshops regularly, the doors were free running, for some shunter to free. During shunting if the shunter was sitting in the door with his legs hanging out and the move come to a stop, the doors would slam shut removing the shunters legs.  

General Modification.

Door weather shields modified (1968)

Door handle mechanisms. (1976 )

Internal batons. Two top and two bottom removed.    (1978)

Label holder were moved from the headstock to the side with the introduction of the Dangerous Goods Code from 1985 onwards.

Louvered panels. Following derailments or damage, some were sheeted. Some wagons the ends were fully sheeted.  

The early wagons were painted similar to the BLC wagons, a dark grey, with the change to grey for all freight wagons in 1969 a lighter grey was used.

From 1971 onwards a QR logo was added to one door, at first this was orange but quickly changed to red. Corporate logos were added to some wagons in the 1990’s.

All wagons entered service with red diamonds making them available for both passenger and express freight trains travelling at 50 mph/80km/h. 

Mid to late 1980’s the status of QLX wagons was reduced to red circle making them available for express freight trains only travelling at 80km/h. Only modified wagons to meet the new passenger train wheel standards were permitted on passenger trains, these wagons became the QLXP class. At first, the wheelset were changed, a few years later a call was made they all should have the same brake equipment. Many of the class were converted back to QLX status. 

Train Notice 933 12th April 1984 advised the following. The undermentioned four QLX type wagons have been withdrawn from general traffic and specially modified for exclusive use on the “Capricorn” service between Brisbane and Rockhampton.

Modification includes the removal of internal battens, addition of sidelights brackets for trailing purposes and repainted in white and blue colours to conform with AC consists.

Number of wagons are QLX 37042, QLX 39459, QLX 39442, QLXT 32515. QLX 37042 and 39459 were introduced into service on 3361 on 12th April 1894. 

QXLP 39442 Rockhampton. 

Towards the end of 1987 with the electrification of the North Coast line the crossing loops were extended. Train lengths were increased from 95 units (475 metres) to 109 units (545 metres), with a maximum length of 650 metres. Wagons witted with older brake equipment (AF triples etc.) on the rear of these trains were experiencing dragging brakes and flat wheels.

An instruction was issued to improve the performance of QLX wagons at the rear of long express Freight Trains and to make them more readily identifiable, certain QLX wagons are having “WF” type triple vales fitted. These wagons will then be reclassified QLXW and are suitable for marshalling at the rear of long trains. Wagons built from 1971 onwards (35270 upwards) had “WF” triples are standard equipment, they were reclassed to QLXW as well. In later years wagons fitted with “WF” triples were classed as QLW wagons. 

The instruction also indicated that all QLX wagons have automatic coupling, the QLXT classification will no longer be used. QLXP wagons were included in the list of wagons that could be used on these trains. It was preferred that all express freight trains in the North Coast Traffic in excess of 109 units in length, that the last 10 wagons of each train be wagons with “WF” type triples. As wagons were modified with modern brake equipment, (“WF” diaphragm type triple with accelerated release, accelerated release reservoir, slack adjuster, auxiliary reservoir) they were given the QLXM classification. QLX 37954 onwards met the new requirements with most were classed QLXM wagons to identify them apart from the other wagons at the time.  Wagon allocated to Q-Link had “D” (Door to door -  QLDP)  included in the Classification.  

QLXM 37006 Rocklea.

Not all wagons received the correct marking, these wagon in 2013 had been fitted with WF triples and carried QLX classification. 


Early 1990’s the buffers were removed. No change in classification.   

In early 2008 went a new manager from a mining company found out his was the proud owner of the Q-Link fleet of wagons that were in a very poor condition and covered in graffiti, he order they be repainted. The wagons were repainted in Toowoomba, at first there was just a number and no other marking, some returned and attentional marking were added. 

The instruction that followed created some issues on the location the wagons could be stowed. 

There were many more classification changes to follow as the wagons were modified for other traffic, I try and cover them as we go.   

Contract 1

32369 – 32668

In Service 1963 – 65. As GLC wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Rubber cushion draw hooks (D 2 class) with fixed screw couplings


QR 16A

Brake Arrangement

10” AF 3


£ 4,830-7-3.

Classification Change

QLX in line with the Australian Wagon code

Towards the end of 1964. .

QR adapted the Australian Code for a number of years, Q (Queensland) L (Louvered) X (Bogie exchange). Very few wagons made the interstate network, for box wagons there was only one wagon class on the interstate network that could operate in Queensland, which was the VR “VLX” wagon. Sending QLX wagons interstate would have left QR very short of box wagons for its own operations.   

Woolloongabba 1967 

This batch of wagons differed from the rest the class, they were not fitted with load securing bars near or across the doors. In 1991 (nearly 30 years later) to identify these wagons the class was changed to CLX.

CLX 32446 Rocklea. 

QLX 32369

In Service 31st October1963.


Auto couplers fitted May 1968 Ips W’shops.


QLX 32370

In Service 17th June 1963.


Auto couplers fitted Feb 1973 Ips W’shops.


Mar 98 Ownership to Heritage.


QLX 32371

In Service 11th November 1963.


Auto couplers fitted Feb 1970 Ips W’shops.


Nov 91

Written Off

Feb 93.


QLXT 32539 

QLX 32375

In Service 22nd November 1963.


Auto couplers fitted Sep 64.


Apl 91


Mar 95

QLX 32380

In Service 5th Dec1963.


Jun 91


Sep 95


QLX 32381

In Service 5th Dec1963.


Apr 92

QLX 32396

In Service 8th Jan 1964.


Jun 85


Mar 93  (not all QLXP had the same brake equipment. 

Written Off

Oct 93


QLX 32403

In Service 16th Jan 1964.


Feb 92


32403, 32404, 32405, 32406, 32407, 32408

Rail Grinder Maintenance wagons

QLX 32411

In Service 4th Feb 1964.


Jul 78, derailed Cooroy-Eumundi

Written Off

Mar 88.


QLX 32443

In Service 9th Apr1964.


May 92


Apl 93


Sep 95  (“W” Type Triple fitted)


QLX 32462

In Service 18th May 1964.


May 85

Written Off

Aug 94


QLX 32479

In Service 16h Jun 1964..


May 72


16 Jul 78, derailed Cooroy-Eumundi


Jan 79


QLX 32496

In Service 22nd Sep 1964..


Nov 68


Nov 90


QLX 32519

In Service 31st Aug 1964..


Feb 68

Written Off

Jul 1970


QLX 32531

In Service 30th Sep 1964


Feb 73


May 85


Jan 93

PCYK  (Cattle)

Jul 94.


QLX 32538

In Service 19 Oct 1964


16 Jul 78, derailed Cooroy-Eumundi

PCY  (Container)

Mar 81

PCY wagons were not the best container wagon on the network, limited carrying capacity and  a high floor height. Some ended up a workshop slaves.    

QLX 32561

In Service 9 Dec 1964


Jul 68

Written Off

Jul 70.


QLX 32563

In Service 9 Dec 1964


Oct 67

Written Off

Jan 93


Oct 95


Mareeba 1999 

QLX 32568

In Service 24 Dec 1964


Sep 78

Written Off

Feb 93


QLX 32579

In Service 25 Jan 1965



Fitted with reflective numbers

Nov 87 (CD)


Jan 95


QLX 32580

In Service 18 Jan 65


Jul 78

KWJX (Cattle)

Jul 96 (CD) Crate off KWA wagons.

QLX 32581

In Service 22 Jan 65


Auto couplers fitted Jan 65


Aug 72 Removal outer side bearers


430 mm Hand brake wheel fitted


Jun 91 

QLP 32582.


QLX 32644

In Service 5 May 65


Oct 68

Written Off

Nov 93


Jul 95


QLX 32648

In Service 9 Apl 65


Sep 73


Feb 88. Converted to Historical Exhibition Wagon. Couple in pair with QLX 34337 due to electrical connection. 

QLX 32658

In Service 10 Jun 1965


Apt 68

Written Off

Jul 1970


QLX 32668

In Service 15 Jun 1965

QLXT Oct 69


Written off

Mar 93.

Not shown in the History Cards are the wagons that were used to upgrade the Tank Wagon fleet across 1992/3 . 

Just few as examples 

QLX 32660

OBEM 43857

QLX 32623

OBEM 43859

QLX 32496

OBEM 43877

CLX 32428

OCEM 44018

CLX 32593

OCEM 44045

QLX 32474

OHET 44152

QLX 32587

OLET 44234

QLX 32624

OPEM 44332

QLX 32458


QLX 32422

OTYM 44388

QLX 32599

OTEM 44401

QLX 32589

OVEM 44523

Contract 2

34274 - 34323

In Service 1969 as QLX wagons


Scotts of Ipswich

Draft Gear.

Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 22 B

Brake System

10” AF 3 Brake CLL




Fitted with bracing rails


Bifurcated train pipe hoses.

Slots in the door pillar show the positioning of the securing bar. Spare bars were stowed in a rack above the doors. Most bars ended up all over the state on the ground around goods sheds. 

QLX 34274

In Service Jun 1969


Jul 78 derailed Cooroy-Eumundi

Written Off

Jul 87


QLX 34275

In Service Nov 1969


Jul 78 Partition modified


Nov 92.


QLX 34279

In Service Nov 1969


Sep 95


QLX 34281

In Service Nov 1969

KOJX        (Cattle)

Jul 97

QLX 34283

In Service Nov 1969


Jun 72


QLX 34282

In Service Nov 1969


Dec 86


Jul 87


QLX 34284

In Service Nov 1969


Aug 85


Jan 93


Feb 93


QLX 34300

In Service Nov 1969


Nov 94.


QLX 34301

In Service Nov 1969


Jul 78 derailed Cooroy-Eumundi

Written Off

Jul 87


QLX 34304

In Service Nov 1969


Jul 85


Dec 92


Feb 93


QLX 34321

In Service Dec 1969

Written Off

Jul 70


Contract 3

34324 – 34423  

In Service 1969 – 70 . As QLX  wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 16A

Brake Equipment

10” AF 3 Brake


QLX 34328

In Service 16th Jan 1970


Oct 92


QLX 34332

In Service Feb 1970


Jul 70 Davis & Metcalfe brake cylinder fitted


Aug 85


Feb 93


Aug 97

Davis & Metcalf brake system.

QLX 343333

In Service Feb 1970


Feb 91


Jul 97      (WF Triple fitted)

Rockhampton 1989

QLX 34335

In Service Feb 1970


Apr 84 Main Line Electrification Exhibit.


Jun 85

QLXH   (Heritage)

Mar 98

The layout was built by members of AMRA Qld.

QLX 34356

In Service Mar 70


Oct 73


QLX 34362

In Service Apl 1970

QLXH  (Heritage)

Apr 98


QLX 34390

In Service May 1970


Dec 85


Apr 93


Nov 94


QLX 34397

In Service Jun 1970


Jul 70 Davis & Metcalfe Brake cyl fitted

KWJX   (Cattle)

Feb 96

QLXP 34386  Roma Street July 1985

QLX 34400

In Service Jun 1970


May 72

PCYK     (Cattle)

Nov 94


QLX 34401

In Service Jun 1970


Jun 85

QLDP  (Q-Link)

Nov 94

QLX 34407

In Service Jun 1970


Jul 86


Dec 92


Nov 96

QLX 34423

In Service Jul 1970


Apl 73

Contract 4

34767 – 334866

In Service 1970 – 71. As QLX wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 16A


10” AF 3 Brake


QLX 34769

In Service Nov 1970


Mar 95


QLX 34779

In Service Nov 1970


Jul 94 Derailed Beerburrum

Written Off

Oct 94


QLX 34787

In Service Dec 1970


May 72


QLX 34799

In Service Jan 1971


May 72


Sep 95


QLX 34832

In Service Apl 1971


Nov 85


Jan 93


Jun 93


Nov 95


QLX 34864

In Service Jun 1971


Jun 87

MPCW 1941

Jan 91


Oct 91


QLX 34866

In Service Jun 1971


Jun 95

Contract 5

35270 – 35269

In Service 1971 – 72. As QLX wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 16A

Brake Equipment

Westinghouse AF 2 triple 


Bifurcated Train pipe hoses. 


Rebated flooring

Wagons fitted with one brake pipe hose and cock was OK for draw hook wagons, but with auto coupling the shunter had to jump between the wagons and reach under the transition coupling to connect the brakes. Bifurcated wagons had a pipe and cock on each side of the auto coupler. Both pipes came together under the draft pack and continued as one pipe to the other end.  

Westinghouse Brake system.


QLX 35270

In Service Nov 1971


Nov 95


QLX 35300

In Service Feb 1972


Dec 93


Jul 94 Beerburrum Derailment.

Written Off.


QLX 35308

In Service Feb 1972

PCYK             (Cattle)

Feb 95


QLX 35339

In Service Apl 1972

KOJX              (Cattle)

Feb 98


QLX 35341

In Service Apl 1972

QZS             (Sleepers)

Jul 95.


QLX 35343

In Service May 1972


Sep 85


Jan 93

KOJX          (Cattle)

Sep 97


QLX 355350

In Service May 1972


Feb 92

QLXH    (Heritage)

Apl 98


QLX 35357

In Service May 1972

Written Off

Jun 87


QLX 35369

In Service Jun 1972


May 85


Apl 93


Contract 6

36339 – 36438

In Service 1972 – 73. As QLX wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Rubber cushion draw hooks (D 2 class) with fixed screw couplings


QR 16A

Brake Equipment

Westinghouse AF 2 Triple.




QLX 36339

In Service Sep 1972


Feb 92


QLX 36383

In Service Jan 1973


Oct 95


QLX 36393

In Service Jan 1973


Jan 74


Apl 86


May 93


QLX 36437

In Service Apl 1973

PCYK   (Cattle)

Nov 94

Contract 7

36888 - 36987

In Service 1973  As QLX wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 16A

Brake Equipment

Westinghouse AF 2 Triples


Bifurcated Train pipe


Rebated flooring


QLX 36888

In Service Apr 1973


Mar 92


QLX 36917

In Service Jun 1973

QLXH   (Heritage)

Apl 94.


QLX 36959

In Service Sep 1973


Jul 78 Derailment Cooroy- Eumundi

Sep 79 Written Off


QLX 36987

In Service Oct 1973


Jun 92

Contract 8

37002 - 37101

In Service 1973. As QLX wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 16A

Brake Equipment

Westinghouse AF 2 Triple


Bifurcated Train Pipes


Rebated floor


QLX 37002

In Service Oct 1973


May 92.


QLX 37003

In Service Oct 1973


Jun 90. Redbank Shunting School


QLX 37016

In Service Nov 1973


Mar 92

Written Off

Jan 95


QLX 37020

In Service Nov 1973


Jun 90. Redbank Shunting School.

KOJX    (Cattle)

Jun 97

QLP 37035

QLX 37021

In Service Nov 73

PCYK  (Cattle)

Apr 95


QLX 37086

In Service Apr 1974


Dec78. Derailed Cooroy -Eumundi Jun 78


QLX 37101

In Service May 1974


Mar 92.


Contract 9

37954 - 38103

In Service 1974. As QLX wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

BK Alliance Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 22C  Com steel

Brake Equipment

WHB & Davis Metcalfe  Slack adjuster


Bifurcated Train pipe



QLX 37954

In Service Sep 1974


Sep 90


QLX 37966

In service Oct 1974


Oct 90


Feb 98


QLX 37974

In service Nov 1974


Sep 90


Oct 96


QLX 38000

In service Dec 1974


Aug  91


QLX 38026

In service Feb 1975


Reflective letter & Numbers Nov 87


Aug 91

Reflective number was added to other wagons and classes for a short period.

QLX 38055

In service Apl 1975

Written Off

Sep 79. Derailed Cooroy – Eumundi Juy 78


QLX 38061

In service Apl 1975


May 89

QSZ   (Sleepers)

May 92


QLX 38071

In service May 1975


Sep 90


Jul 97


QLX 38081

In service Jun 1975


Jul 91

QLXH  (Heritage)

Apl 98

QLX 38103

In service JUL 1975


Jul 91

Contract 10

38455 - 38554

In Service 1975. As QLX wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 16A

Brake Equipment

Westinghouse WF 2, Pneu. Slack Adjuster 


Bifurcated train pipes


Rebated Floor


$ 27,111.74


QLX 38455

In Service Aug 1975


Jun 87


Oct 90,


QLX 38457

In Service Aug 1975


Jun 87


Apr 91

PCYK  (Cattle)

Feb 95

QLXP 38472 Roma Street

Suncorp Train to celebrate 75 of the SGIO. QLXP 35281 & 38472 with Suncorp and Channel 7  Displays.

QLXP 38496 This became to most common colour for QLXP wagons.


QLX 38541

In Service Mar 1976

Written Off (ND)

Oct 87


QLX 38546

In Service Mar 1976


Jun 87


Oct 87

QPS 1940 (Power Car)

Oct 91


QLX 38548

In Service Mar 1976


Jun 87

MPCW  1937 (Power Car)

Jan 91


QLX 38549

In Service Mar 1976


Jun 87


Apl 89


Aug 94.


QLX 38554

In Service Mar 1976


Mar 87

QLXP 38498 Traveltrain display wagon. Most of the time this wagon was coupled to the Main Line Electrification wagon. 1985 to the early 1990’s. 

Contract 11

39081 - 39130

In Service 1976  As QLX wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 36A

Brake Equipment

Westinghouse WF 2 pneumatic slack adjuster


Bifurcated train pipe


Rebated Floor


$ 31,046.63


QLX 39081

In Service Aug 1976


Jun 87


May 91


QLX 39088

In Service

MLBC 1919 (Baggage Car)



QLX 39094

In Service Jul 1976

MLBC 1920 (Baggage Car)

Feb 83


QLX 39102

In Service Aug 1976


Jun 87


Nov 89


Aug 94


Sep 96


QLX 39104

In Service

MLBC 1918  (Baggage Car)



QLX 39117

In Service Sep 1976

QPS  (Power Car)

Sep 91


QLX 39127

In Service

MLBC 1917  (Baggage Car)

Sep 81

Daylight Rail tour train with MLBC Baggage car. Mackay.

A two car 2000 class Rail Car worked this service before being replaced with an air condition train. 

QLX 39130

In Service Sep 1976


May 87


Feb 88


Aug 94


Contract 12

39252 - 39310

In Service 1977  As QLX wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Sharon Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 36  (Com Steel)

Brake Equipment

Westinghouse WF 2 Pneumatic Slack Adjuster


Bifurcated Train Pipe


Rebated Floor




QLX 39252

In Service Oct 1976


May 87


Aug 94


QLX 39301

In Service Feb 1977


Jun 87


Nov 89


Aug 94


Contract 13

39430 - 39479

In Service 1977  As QLX wagons


Commonwealth Engineering

Draft Gear.

Sharon Automatic Couplers & Transition Couplings


QR 36  (Com Steel)


Westinghouse WF 2 Pneumatic Slack Adjuster


Bifurcated Train Pipe


Rebated Floor


$ 33,580.22


QLX 39430

In Service Apr 1977


Jul 88


Sep 91


Aug 96

QLXP 39459. Roma Street July 1985. The early QLXP has a darker grey on the roof.

QLX 39461

In Service Jun 1977


Feb 87


Aug 94


Nov 94


QLX 39479

In Service Jul 1977


May 87


May 91.

QLX wagons change the face of QR freight operations. 

Early 1960’s express freight trains commence running on the North Coast line between Brisbane and Cairns. One train each way per day, Train 247 north was known as the fruit train, one of the hottest trains on the coast watched by managers every inch of its journey. Restricted to 750 tons and worked with the latest locomotive in the fleet.  The return from Cairn was train 242 known as the Interstate fruit train going to Clapham to connect with trains to Sydney and Melbourne.

Train 247 just south of Mackay in 1967, less than 24 hours after commencing it journey from Roma Street, the train consisted mainly of CLC, BLC, CMIS wagons with a few QLX. At times an odd wooden CJFF could be found on the train.

20 years later, QLX and R wagons dominated the train.

By 1973 the train was worked with two (2) 90 ton DEL’s conveying 1,570 tons. 

Train 242 retuning to Brisbane in the mid 1980’s.

The string of QLX’s with the R wagon attached at the back of the photo is train 247. The train was loaded with the wagons in their destination order. Come 1:30 pm, the doors were closed, an engine hooked on and by 2:00 pm the trains was heading for the North.  In later years the train departed at 4:00Pm. By 1990’s the train was called C249 worked with electric loco and departed at 2:20 Pm. 

Instruction Roma Street Shunters 1969.

Load BLC or QLX wagons daily for Cooroy, Pomona and Gympie for COD bean traffic. Returning wagons of beans to be placed under shelter 4 road.

BLC or QLX wagons only to be placed on 247D daily.

Place 2 QLX, 2 BLC and 1 QLX on 20 road between the end of the platform and the end of the concrete (Not beyond the concrete) to load Monto Branch for despatch 101 D Monday. The single QLX wagon to be placed in the lead Normanby end to load Monto Road. 

Place empty BLC or QLX Normanby end 9 Alley to load 1 compartment K. Holland Cairns. 

By the last 1960’s additional express freight trains were running, including selective days of the weeks to western towns. North West and Central West trains had sleeping cars attached next to the guards van.

30 D at Nonda on the Mt Isa line in 1969. 

Central West train returning to Rockhampton, most western trains returned a goods trains.  

Express Freight Train # 656 approaches Charleville for a next afternoon delivery from Brisbane the previous evening. 

In later years Electric Locomotives hauled the express freight services on the north coast line.

QLX wagon were added to passenger trains conveying general goods, mainly to the west.  This provided a service on most week days that goods/express freight trains didn’t run.

Inlander at Homestead returning to Townsville. 1969. 1460 Class locos were just starting finding their way onto the Mt Isa line.  

Maryborough 101 Passenger Train was covered back in May 2021.  

Another interesting train was the Dirranbandi Mail 32 Up departing Rona St at 5:50 Pm Monday and Thursdays. After 1981 the train was known as 3672 and after 1989 as 3H14.

Personal, I feel this train meets the “Mixed Train” definition. 

1980 the marshalling was:-




Texas Road










Composite Sitter


Composite Sleeper


Baggage Car


Mail Van


Attached in Toowoomba


Dirranbandi Road (attached in front of the passenger set.






Taxes Road (Attached behind the loco.

2 QLXT will also be attached at Goondiwindi for Dirranbandi. 

In 1984 the marshalling was similar, the CMIS was replaced with a CMR. 

By 1990, the marshalling of 3H14 had changed.




Rocklea  - Toowoomba (Hiles T’ports)                                                                                                (Detached Toowoomba)


Toowoomba                                       (Detached Toowoomba)


Dalby                                                 (Detached Toowoomba)


Wallangarra Road                             (Detached Toowoomba)


Warwick (Hiles T’port)                       (Detached Toowoomba)


Yelarbon/Thallon  (Mon)                      (Attached Toowoomba)






Goondiwindi Road.


Thallon Road.

2 QLXP, 1  R

Dirranbandi Road                                (Attached Toowoomba)


Composite Sleeper


Composite Van


Goondiwindi  - Dirranbandi

Rocklea, Two QLXP over in the Back Road being loaded for the Dirranbandi Mail. 

A quick look at the Westlander (Train 3V02) in 1984.

QLX Roma

QLX Roma (Total) Tuesday. 

First Westlander on new timetable 30.3.87. DEL’s 1518 +1497, MPCB 1755, MCS 1535, MALF 1527, MBL 1506, MCS 1469 (Quilpie), MCL 1502,(Quilpie), MPR 1754 (Quilpie), MMV 1439, R 39625, QLXP 38475, (Cunnamulla), QLXP 39289 (Quilpie), QLXP 38470, QLXP 39272, R 39613 (Charleville), QLXP 38479 (Cunnamulla), QLXP 38544 (Roma), QLXP 39091 (Mitchell), QLXP 38485, 38461 (Roma), QLXP 39465, 39260 (Chinchilla). 

By 1990 this to had changed.




Roma (Chiller)

9 cars

Passenger set


Cunnamulla Road Chiller (Mon)


Quilpie Road Chiller.


Quilpie Road Freezer (Mon)




Cunnamulla (every second Mon)








Cunnamulla  (every second Mon)




Charleville Road                                 (Attached Toowoomba)


Quilpie Road                                       (Attached Toowoomba)


Mitchell/Cunnamulla Road                  (Attached Toowoomba)


Roma                                                   (Attached Toowoomba)






Wandoan Road (Detached Chinchilla)


Attached Roma.


Power/Refrigerated Car (Attached to Passenger set Toowoomba for Quilpie) 


2100 A class DEL maximum 20 Vehicles for 630 t. Brisbane – Toowoomba. 

Don’t think this marshalling is in accordance with the rules??

Wooden van between steel vehicles ??. 

1990 Working Timetable Northern Division.

Composition of Townsville – Mt Isa Inlander passenger train 3M34.

Train to be worked with multi diesel locomotives if required and conveys a load up to 1,000 tonnes and restricted to 27 vehicles. The loaded wagons to be conveyed on this service will consist of QLXP, BRP/BRMP and R wagons. The wagons are be trailed behind the van of the A/C consist. Far western wagons loaded at Townsville Freight Terminal Wednesday to be marshalled from the rear. QLXP Hughenden (Fitted with lights), QLXP Winton, QLXP Richmond, QLXP Jula Creek, QLXP Cloncurry, QLXP Mt Isa. QLXP Winto fitted with Ice Box connects 7W80 Thursday ex Hughenden. 

1990 Central Division Working Timetable

AW 54 Midlander Tuesday is to be marshalled from Rockhampton as follows.
CMRT Yaraka (trailing)
QLXP Yaraka Road.
QLXP Blackall
R Winton Road.
A/C Consist
QLXP Winton
QLXP Longreach
QLXP Barcaldine
QLXP Alpha (as required) 

From time to time relief mail trains used a QLX as a baggage car, when used as such this wagon was marshalled in front the wooden carriages. Steel wagons were not permitted to be marshalled between wooden carriages conveying passengers.

Local Goods Trains always had a QLX or two in the train.

Biloela goods. 

Mixed train at Blackall

Charleville to Roma Shunt. Angellala

Around the Brisbane suburban area the wagons were a dime a dozen.

W.D & H.O. Wills Tobacco Traffic Mareeba to Coopers Plains.

Mareeba to Bundamba Tobacco Traffic.

Hiles Transport Rocklea.
Hiles Transport Rocklea. 

They could be found all over the state. Cairns 1979.

QLX wagons were used a cover (separation) for the movement of dangerous goods as per requirements of the DG Code.  

In June 1992, a number of wagons were allocated to nominated customer traffic. 

Small Freight “Q-Link” Acacia Ridge.

QSC 32546, 32495, 35286, 36404, 37024. 

Hiles Transport Rocklea. QLX 37004, 37005, 37007, 37009, 37010, 37014, 37015, 37017, 37018, 37019, 37021, 37022, 37023, 37027, 37030.

QLXM 37002, 37006, 37008, 37011, 37012, 37013, 37016, 37025, 37026, 37028.   

C.S.R Monkland. QSC 32394, 32543, 32566, 32569, 32615, 34422, 34825, 36366 

Defiance Flour Toowoomba. QSC 35349 

Defiance Flour Rockhampton. QLXM 38011, 38012, 38013, 38014, 38015, 38016, 38017, 38018, 38019, 38020, 38021, 38022. 

Allied Flour Mill Rockhampton. QLXM 38023, 38024, 38025, 38026, 38027, 38028.

Display Trains

Trainabout 84. 

QLX 32471 (TAA & PO)

QLX 36954 ABC

QLX 38498 yellow with blue and black outlining for Railways of Australia.
38086 Queensland Tourist and Travel.
36954 ABC?? 36980 Kooralbyn Valley/NSW Travel,
37080 Northern Territory/AFTA Insurance   (Sept 84 SE).(Dec84).
36976 Telford Inns/Japan Airlines
35315 Qld travel painted gold/red.
37018 power plant
38086 store
TLV 1837 

Electrics 90 Display Train

Green Train Train. Notice 1376 - 29 May 1991

QLXP 39271

Dept. of Education

QLXP 39301

Dept. of Primary Indusatries

QLXP 39276

Dept. of Environment

QLXP 39277

Marine Park Authority

QLXP 39255

(A)    Customs

(B)    Quarantine

QLXP 38461

Community Groups

QLXP 39097

(A)   Geographical Society

(B)   University of Queensland

QLXP 39447

Qld Railways / Dept of Transport

QLXP 38496

(A)  Greening Australia

(B)  Telecom

QLXP 39274

Queensland Mining Council

QLXP 38500

Mt Isa Mines

QLXP 38459

Electricity Supply Industry

QLXP 39293

(A)  Incitec Ltd

(B)  Qld Timber Board

QLXP 38529


QLXP 38494


MPCW 1917

Power Pack

Passenger Consist, MPCW, LAR, LAR, MCC, MAS, MBC, MMV. 


The “Spirit of McEwan” Tours Queensland. March 92. 

QLXP 39301 Hardies, QLXP 38494 Pink Bats / Aquila Steel, QLXP 39097 Trans Global Timber, QLXP 38496 CSR, QLXP 39447 CSR Gyprock, QLXP 39276 Makita, QLXP 39271 ICI Dulux/Selleys, QLXP 39293 Drumright, QLXP 38459 Laserlite/Taubmans, QLXP 38500 Black & Decker/ Able Cooke, QLXP 39277 Englefield/Dorf, QLXP 39274 Beatyware/Radiant/Caroma/Clearlite. QLXP 39255  Marblite products /Ryobi, QLXP 38461 Martec/Cooke Tools/Arlec,  QLXP 38529 Lanes Building Products/Humes Doors & Windows. Support vehicles  MPC 1917, MBC 1449/1454. Staff travelled in MPC 1436, LAR 1906, MAS 1497, LDC 1933, MCC 1525, MCSC 1485, MMV 1442. All QLXP were from the green train repainted, sides painted red. 

The wagons returned to general traffic still painted red/green.

One or two QLX’s can be found around the state, some on the ground at stations they once carried freight to, and many became store sheds in maintenance depots beside their small sister ALY wagons. I recall one body being used a cover on the back of a semi-trailer used by a local town carrier.    

The wagons were used to carry freight for nearly 50 years on the QR network until containerised freight took over.


Over the years there has been various manufactures produce models of the QLX wagon. I don’t think any two were the same size. 

First, there was the Freemont Kit.


These were an epoxy type kit, a one piece body and underframe with a separate roof.

Northern Models 

These were a resin kit, one piece body/roof with a separated floor. Detail was what you could find, usually NSWR detailing bits were used. Bogies were generally Roundhouse standard gauge that were narrowed in the bolster and K & M wheelsets fitted.  

Far North Hobbies and later PGC models produced a kit as well.

Wuiske Models manufactured the first RTR model, two separated runs were produced over a period of time in various deliveries.

At the time of purchase I could not buy “as delivered” models. I repainted the models with PGC paints and re decal the wagons and added light weathering to reflex the 1960’s. Thanks to Wuiske Models for supplying the decals. 

Sometime later one was painted in QLXP colours. 

Another wagon was modified into a Power Car, more detail can be found in December 2023 posting.

Paget Models also produced a QLX wagon kit in “S” scale.  

Most of these models are now like the prototype, hard to find. From time to time you may get lucky at a buy & sell.  

My apologies for repeating some of the photos from previous blogs, I feel information on a subject needs to with it and not in various other places.  Trust you found the information helpful and assists you in your modelling projects. If I have missed something please be sure to yell out> I’m still learning this, I think I can add to it if needed.    

It’s just a couple of weekends away for the first show of the year, the Bundaberg Model Train & Hobby Expo. 15th and 16th of March, I hear it will have a record number of exhibits and is looking like being a good show. 

Until next post, trust you all have a happy time modelling and enjoying this great hobby. 

Arthur H. 


Australian Model Railway Association Queensland Library.

ARHS Qld Sunshine Express
QR Plans.
QR Working Timetables.
Aurizon Datasheets.
Iron and Steel Wagons of the Queensland Railways Steam Era” by John Armstrong.
Historians, John Armstrong, Keith McDonald,
Queensland State Archives

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