CC Camp Wagon made from a Caintode Flats CCB Kit
During Construction
CC Camp Wagon forms part of a Bridge Gang on the move.
Caintode Flats CCB Kit
CC 10444 Kuranda 1979
CW 8 Townsville 1979
A few weeks ago I was going
through my Model Railway cupboards/draws itemising kits / rollingstock to form
an inventory of my gear. Recently a model railway friend passed away unexpected
leaving his wife dumfounded what to do with his railway stuff. Plus, some guys
were rocked up to collect items that they claimed had been promised to them.
Mates ?????
I can across a plastic bag
which contain various part of a “Caintode Flats” CCB wagon kit. The kit was not
complete, I think someone had given it to me. I already have a CCB guard’s van
on the layout and don’t require two for such a small layout. I did tossed it about making it into a
trackside workers hut, but the kit is too good for that.
After a bit more consideration
I decided I would make a CC wagon by cutting off the guard’s lookout and
replacing it with scribed styrene. Checking a few plans, I found out that the
end door had been moved inwards to fit the guard’s lookout in, “Bugger”,
Guard’s must of have had big backside in the early days.
QR plans call them Convertible
Goods Wagons. John Armstrong book “Wooden Wagons of the Queensland Railways
1880 – 1980” covers both CC and CCB wagons. In short where were both 26’ (5
doors) and 32’ (6 doors) CC wagons that ran on the network. In holiday periods,
seats were added they were used to carry passengers. All up about 80 wagons
made up the CC class. Only 2 remained by 1940 which stuck around to 1958.
Commissioner’s Report 30th of June1960 showed the class, but no
wagons in service.
CCB vans were converted from
CC wagons, both styles were used with about 28 being converted to vans.
Commissioner’s Report 30th June 1960 showed 10 still in service. The
instructions for the CCB kit refers to John’s book “Locomotives in the Tropics”
Vol. 1 (Rev 1.) page 63. The photos
shows a CCB at Cairns in 1965, the van even had electric lights and small
passenger type bogies.
I recalled taking a photo of a
CC wagon (photo attached) in Kuranda in 1979, it was being used as a camp
wagon. I guess it was shown in the Commissioner’s Reports as a service wagon.
On the same trip to Cairns I walked the Townsville yard and photograph camp
wagon CW 8 (photo attached) just out of the paint shop. This wagon showed all
the haul marks as being converted from a CC wagon. Plans suggest CW 8 was in a
family of 5, CW 7 to CW 11.
Back to the kit, I liked the
look of the open timbers on the end as in the kit, plus I liked some of the
features on both wagons I was in 79. Given “Westgate” is a freelance layout,
the kit was made up to reflect a “Westgate Workshops” conversion of a CCB wagon
into a Camp Wagon and reclassed CC. Who knows, it may have happed. ??????
Not sure if I would of enjoyed
traveling in one as a passenger or living in one on the job away from home. All
I can say is they must of been tuff in them days.
Currently the “CC” Camp Wagon
is part of a Bridge Gang moving camp. FG with portable shower, dummy, water
tank, tool boxes, fuel etc. The “A” wagon for equipment/tools etc., one “S”
wagon has a bondwood hut, and the second “S” wagon is carrying bridge girders.
I guess I should have another wagon loaded with a section car and flat tops
Arthur H.