From an early age I was fascinated by
trains shunting. Living in western Queensland during the 50’s and 60’s, the
train was the only way in and out of town for most people.
As a kid sitting on the fence watching I
had no idea what was going on, the engine was pulling and pushing wagons, wagons
were rolling down the track with a Shunter chasing it to apply the hand brake, or
they would just slammed into the next wagon in the siding. At times, there
would be three sets of wagons all rolling at the same time. So it is no surprise
then I got a model train set, shunting was high on the “to do” list. My current
layout is small by some standards, a circle of track with two stations with room
to add a third one day. Having been to a number of operations sessions on larger
layouts with a dozen or so blokes in attendance, the question was how was I
going to put operations on my layout? I was looking for something that didn’t
put guys off with heaps of paper work, yet it was the real thing. I was looking
for something I could do myself or with a couple of mates. Plus, it could give
non rail guys an insight into how things were done. It was to be something that
did not take all day, I wanted something to do if you had an hour or so.
did the Railways Operate. A
few years back, most railways were a common carrier, they were expected to
carry most things to most locations on the network. Movement of goods and
freight was managed in two ways. Wagon loads and less than wagon loads, the
less than wagon loads on some systems was refer to as “less than car loads”,
(LCL) traffic. LCL traffic is mainly handled through the goods shed or common
loading area in the station yard. Each day some stations would allocated wagons
for traffic. As much as possible box wagons were used, cranky/ruff or long and
bully loading was loaded into open wagons. Many stations have customers who
loaded full wagon loads. Generally, wagons going to and coming from private
sidings were full wagon loads.
did that Work? Customers with freight to send would make
contact their local station and order a wagon. The station (Station
Master/Goods Clerk) would evaluate the freight and select a suitable wagon. As much as possible, wagons on hand were used.
This may have be a wagon that had arrived loaded and was unloaded the previous
day. Each day all stations completed an 8 am wagon report. All wagons in the
yard at 8 am were summaries. This was generally completed by the Lad Porter/Number
Taker who would ride the station bike and record the status of all wagons in
all sidings. Telegraph Codes were used to summarise the wagons
Tarpaulins on hand
Required for tomorrow
Empty gods trucks required
Livestock in transit
Loaded goods truck inwards
Empty stock trucks on hand.
Loaded goods trucks outwards
Expect released today
Goods truck Departmental Load
Goods trucks in transit.
This report was sent to Head Office which
included wagons required to fill orders. From reports from other stations, head
office would fill the orders. A suitable shunt would then convey the wagons to
the stations. The wagons were placed so the customers could load their freight.
Work. Back in the good
old days before computer, there was a paper trail and documents that travelled
with the freight. The customer would complete at consignment note. This showed
who was sending the freight, what it was, how heavy, who was receiving the goods
at the other end and who was paying the freight charges. At small stations this
document was handed to the Station Master, larger yards to the Goods Shed Clerk.
Freight charges were worked out and the details entered onto an invoice. The
invoice travelled with the goods to it destination with the Guard. The invoice details
were shown in the “Rollingstock Book” to show the wagon was booked out with a reference.
Auditor would check to ensure everything was in order (no freebies). From the invoice, wagon labels were written up
and place on each end of the wagon. Number Takers and Shunter referred to the
label to get the wagon on the correct train to its destination. Once a train was made up, a “Train Wire” or
“Train List” is written up and handed to the Guard with the invoices.
Most networks have a stating location, Brisbane, Sydney,
Melbourne etc, Thus for us its “A”
Using the letters above we can make up Time Tables or a marshalling
order for our trains on the layout.
Working Time Tables. The back pagers of the Working Time Tables
details the work each train will do district by district. In some cases, how
trains are to be marshalled. Train
Notices were also issued for trains with special loading or for loading that
did not fit on Time Tabled trains, for example Ballast/Livestock/Seasonal Fruit,
Cane, Sugar, Wheat etc. Or restriction on travel for loading outside the
loading gauge.
of Shunts:- Shunt Engines (Yard, Loco, Carriage, Station,
Harbour). Local Shunt Trains (Suburban. Main Line)
Trains working on the main line were generally marshalled in “station order”
with all loading for one station marshalled together, destination blocks.
Order is how stations
fall on a given section of the network. Brisbane to Cairns, or Sydney to
Melbourne. Sydney to Broken Hill etc.
In these sections stations will be
different in various ways. Some could be a Crossing Stations with one small
siding. Small towns will also have a crossing loop, plus a Goods Shed siding, a
siding for loading cattle etc. The larger stations could have engine shed, coal
stage, goods shed, fuel depots and various private sidings. These stations were
known as depots and have traincrews which work trains to the next depot station.
Using the alphabet as a section of track, the bold underline letters are
depots. In the steam era, this could also mean a change of hauling locomotives
is required.
Y Z.
City Downs Bush Outback
The letters can be
replaced by towns/locations on your layout. Below is an example how the
timetable works on a section of railway.
8 & 10 UP are not marshalled in any order.
Whereas Trains 10, 12, & 14 UP will be marshalled in station order.
Up trains
run in one direction while Down
trains run in the other direction.
One of the hardest things for someone
coming in to operate your layout is remembering station order. If station order is required, I add to
the bottom of my instruction cards.
There are times when I enjoy just
watching a train run through the scenery. Then there are times I like to shunt,
it keep the old brain ticking. Having 45 years of railway operations under my
belt, I came up with two different operational systems that could be used on a
small layout. One was referring to the Working Time Table were a train is made
up in station order. The second was working a shunt train to a station,
detaching and placing wagons, and attached wagons as per orders.
Both system can very in the length of
time required to complete. It’s what you feel like doing at the time. There is
not right or wrong way to do a shunt. And that goes for the prototype also, as
long as the train finishes up to what’s require by the instructions. With the
prototype if you didn’t use your brain you used your feet and it took longer to
Both sessions can be done with one, two
or three operators. It is something you can do on you own, or with mates. If
there is two of you, one can drive the engine and the other works out the moves
and shunts. If you have three, one drives the engine, (Driver), one works out the moves and couple/uncouple wagons (Guard) and the other can sent the
points (Station Master).
One thing you learn quickly is a Station
Master don’t tell a Guard how to shunt his train.
Operators like to know how well they did
during a session. They often ask was that the lowest number of moves etc. To
gauge performance I use a fast clock and a timetable, my answer is how did you
go with the allocated time on the clock? Did you depart on time or late, how
late were you getting back? The prototype worked to a Time Table with a set
time to be at each station. Sometimes you didn’t use all the allocated time, other
times the shunt it took longer.
System #1.
The first session requires you to make
up a train using wagons in various sidings within the yard, the train is
required to leave in station order, plus there is marshalling restrictions on a
couple of wagons due to their loads. Due to locomotive size, not all wagons can
go on the train. All up there is 18 wagons in the plan, the train is restricted
to 17. One needs to be left behind, thus someone must decide what’s get left
The instruction card was made up from a
train in the South Western Division Working Time Table. Going back to our
example of station order, the station is “H”,
we have loading off two trains for stations I J
N O P Q. My “H”
is Toowoomba and the train is to convey loading for Roma, Amby, Mitchell,
Morven, Charleville (“P”. The
next depot station were the trains is timed to terminate) and Cunnamulla.
Roadside (Out Of’s) is small consignment
unloaded in route by Guard or Station Staff.
A card is made up for each wagon required
for the train, the card is the wagon label which shows destination and other
details. The other thing new operators find hard is to identify wagons, often
instructions give wagon class and number. The instructions could show wagon XYZ
3234, what’s that and where is it on the layout. I model QR and the wagon class and number is
3 inches on the prototype, less than 1 mm in H0. To assist with identification
I add a photo to the card. Later I was
able to obtain some QR wagon labels, these were filled out, photo added and
laminated. A small shelf is located near the control panel which allows the operator
to sort out the wagons into station order. From here you locate the wagons on
the layout, and plan your moves for the shunt engine. To reduce the number of
moves look for wagons that fall together (Mitchell/Morven). I generally start at the rear of the train and
work towards the front. Original Card design is shown in Issue 322 Vol. 28 (February 2017) issue of the Australian Model Railway Magazine.
the train is made up, go for a run around the layout. After a few laps you can
stated detaching from the train. The rear of the instruction card gives
instructions on where wagons for each destination is to be placed. This could
be achieved in various ways.
train to loop and detach loading for Roma into 3 Road, Amby loading into 4 Road
etc. Or you have more time.
the loading into the allowed siding in station order after 4 or 5 laps of the
layout. First detach Roma loading to 3 Road, after a few more laps. Second
detach Amby loading to 4 Road etc.
sample 2, add some attaches (pick- ups) could be added to the instructions.
I.e. Morven detach to 4 Road, attach P
2345 for Charleville.
The shunt train session is just one A5
card, the print is a size so us older blokes don’t need our glasses. The card
is in 4 parts. The operation session can be made easy or harder by wagons in
sidings called “Hold Backs”, in other words, wagons on hand not listed to be
picked up. There is various reasons for this, they could be wagons loaded in but
not unloaded, empties required for orders the following day, could be employee
camp and material wagons, wagons with defects waiting repair etc. to name a
Card; to make it easy,
and similar to the prototype operations, the card is divided into sections. Top of the card shows train number and day.
“1” Is the Train Wire
or List, it shows the marshalling of the train from it starting point, station
“A”. All trains have a list showing all wagons on the train is order of
marshalling. The list also shows destination and load. The incoming crews need
to check the list to ensure the train they are taking is correct, plus it help
to know what’s on the train. Train Wires/List can be written one of two ways,
in order from the engine to the rear or from the rear to the engine.
“2” is the Working Time
Table. Departure time, time allocated to run the section, time allocated to
shunt and arrive at your destination. The Time Table is used to gauge how the
operators went. Often other trains passing through the station during the
shunting operations will add extra moves.
“3” is the where the wagons needed to be placed
at the station so the goods/freight can be unloaded or loaded. Sometimes due to
what’s in the siding and where the wagon needs to be placed, “Hold Backs” will
be putted out and replaced to get the detaching wagon into its correct
Part “4” is the wagons ready to be picked up or attached to the train. This could be wagons loaded for another destination or empties not required.
Part “4” is the wagons ready to be picked up or attached to the train. This could be wagons loaded for another destination or empties not required.
Instructions could be about other train to passing
through the station, this could say 8 Up Rail Car 13:10 – 13:15 requires the
platform. Thus the Main Line need to be left clear for the passage of the Rail
Car 10 minutes before the expected arrival.
Westgate. Train 100 UP.
Wednesday. The Train
Wire shows the following. Engine, 2 grain wagons, one open wagon loaded with
grain bins, one open wagon of timber, one open wagon loaded with pipes, three
box wagons of general goods/freight and a Guard’s Van.
train has be made up by the station shunt engine, the engine working the train
is attached, and crew have checked their train and are ready to go. The fast
clock is set and the crew waits departure time. 12:00 comes and the train
departs Westgate for Wyandra (Station “B”). 15 minutes sectional running has
been allocated. Arrival at Wyandra is 12:15.
The Station Master admits the train to the loop and the fun starts.
All wagons on the train need to be
placed as per the instructions. Two grain wagons and the open wagon with the
grain bins are to be placed at the Grain Terminal (GT). The open wagon of timber needs to be placed
on the stop blocks in the saw mill siding. A wagon of logs has not been unload (“Hold Back”) at the log ramp. The open wagon with the pipes needs to
be placed at the Side Loading Bank (SLB). Three box wagons of general goods is
to be placed at the Goods Shed (GS). But, a camp wagon and material wagon
located in the station dead end (SDE) is foul of (blocking) No. 4 crossover
coming from the Main Line. (By
the way, this is a bad practice and is not allowed in the rules). But at times it happens to allow
Shunt #1
In the siding there is a number of
wagons listed to go out on the shunt. The camp and material wagons in the
station dead end (SDE), has the employee travelling in his camp wagon, these
two wagons are to be marshalled near the Guard’s Van. Four wagons of sleepers
from the saw mill, two box wagons of general goods from the Goods Shed, and two
grain wagon empty.
I model QGR railways and have used QR wagon classifications in the instructions, but that is not necessary, the type of wagon or load type could be used. All up it a lot of fun and it replicates the real thing. The load type has been shown to assist in identifying the wagon.
Plus if you want to mix things up a bit, change the location of wagons in station “B”, this would change your shunt moves. Also, there are times when wagons need to be moved within the yard. An open wagon can come in on a train loaded with general goods and is placed at the Goods Shed, after being unloaded the Station Master receives an order to send a car. The wagon needs to be moved from the Goods Shed to the Side Loading Ramp for loading. Another small job for the shunt train when in town.
At first keep it simple, most locations have shunt trains going both ways (one going north, an “Up” train and one going south a “Down” train). The “Up” trains comes from the city in the early hours of the morning detaching loading and continues on to other stations. This train may also pick up one or two wagons for destinations to the north. The “Down” train arrives late afternoon picking up loaded and empty wagons for the city. Each day the loading can be different changing the shunt moves required. Local “Working Time Tables” can assist in this area.
The same set of wagons can be used for various shunt trains.
I model QGR railways and have used QR wagon classifications in the instructions, but that is not necessary, the type of wagon or load type could be used. All up it a lot of fun and it replicates the real thing. The load type has been shown to assist in identifying the wagon.
Plus if you want to mix things up a bit, change the location of wagons in station “B”, this would change your shunt moves. Also, there are times when wagons need to be moved within the yard. An open wagon can come in on a train loaded with general goods and is placed at the Goods Shed, after being unloaded the Station Master receives an order to send a car. The wagon needs to be moved from the Goods Shed to the Side Loading Ramp for loading. Another small job for the shunt train when in town.
At first keep it simple, most locations have shunt trains going both ways (one going north, an “Up” train and one going south a “Down” train). The “Up” trains comes from the city in the early hours of the morning detaching loading and continues on to other stations. This train may also pick up one or two wagons for destinations to the north. The “Down” train arrives late afternoon picking up loaded and empty wagons for the city. Each day the loading can be different changing the shunt moves required. Local “Working Time Tables” can assist in this area.
The same set of wagons can be used for various shunt trains.
Shunt #1
(S) Westgate “B” Shunt Wyandra “B” “A” (N)
Start at station “A”, shunt Station “B”,
and continue to the other end of Station “A”.
Shunt #2 (Return of shunt #1)
The wagon of logs is a
“Hold Back”, to be unloaded it needs to beside the log ramp, plus the wagon of
timer needs to be placed behind it.
When setting up
a session make sure you have room to move. Will the siding hold the wagons
being dropped off?
Shunt #2 (Return of shunt #1)
The same train can then return from
Station “A” from the reverse direction to shunt Station “B” and continue back
to the original starting location.
“A” (N)
Winbin “B” Shunt Wyandra “B” “A” (S)
Or you can
continue from Station “A” (S), shunt Station “B” and return to Station “A” (S).
The train goes back over the same track section. Station “B” comes a station at the end of a
Branch line.
Shunt # 4
Shunt # 4
This move can be used to reset Station
“B” (Wyandra) for the next session.
“A” (N) “B”
Shunt Wyandra “B” “A” (N)
The layout is a basic circle of track
with two station, Station “A” (N) is the other end of Station “A” (S).
All up a lot of
fun can be had preforming prototype operation on a small layout with a minimum amount
of rollingstock. From time to time I
swap the wagons around and write up a new card.
Camp Wagon and Material Wagon in the
Station Dead End is foul (blocking
access) of No. 4 Crossover. Shunt engine needs to pick up using No. 3

100 Up is ready to depart
after waiting in the Loop for the Rail Motor Pass to arrive.
I have a second sets of four cards, the
same train, two (2) different day. By end of 4th card the wagons are
back where they started.
Only part of
the train is detached, the rear section stays on the train and continues to the
next station.
This give three sets of wagons that can be dropped off and picked up with each passing. The train has two sets and the station being shunted have wagons in the sidings. “Hold-back” wagons on the first run can be added on the second or third run. The final shunt resets both the yard and the train for next time.
This give three sets of wagons that can be dropped off and picked up with each passing. The train has two sets and the station being shunted have wagons in the sidings. “Hold-back” wagons on the first run can be added on the second or third run. The final shunt resets both the yard and the train for next time.
If you have a
level crossing in the station yard, instructions could include the crossing
must not be block for excessive periods. In other words, the shunt can run out
and back over the crossing, but you don’t leave wagons parked on the crossings.
The locals will get upset.
Another activity that can be added, that is “TO
WEIGH” wagons. Sometimes the weight of the freight consigned is not known. Logs,
Coal, Grain to name a few. Special labels are added to the wagon and at the
suitable location the wagon is placed on a weight bridge.
Weighbridges come in various shapes and forms, this one at Warwick
is a simple project to add to the layout.
At various locations trains are
inspected by Train Examiners or the train Guard may observe a wagon with issues
that require action to fix. A Repair Label is added to the label holder on the wagon.
Defects can be
added changing the requirements of the operations session.
A wagon may
need to be left behind to be transhipped or repaired. Some times the wagon can travel to its destination before the action is taken. At times a wagon can continue by changing its
location on the train requiring some remarshalling. If the brakes are cut out,
a wagon cannot be near the rear of the train. Over time this requirement has changed, earlier days there must be two braked wagons on the rear, in later years this became six wagons.
the instructions and develop an understanding of what’s required. What goes where.
a minute to think about the shunt, this could save you moves, thus time.
points/crossings before moving. Running into the wrong road reduces your time.
one thing at a time, but look for things that will fall together.
cutting wagons out, just leave them just clear, push them together at the end.
Don’t rush, slow and easy will give
better results in the end.
If developing a shunt
layout consider the following.
wheeled wagons behave better that 4 wheeled wagons.
radius curves give less trouble than smaller radius curves.
mix coupling types. Think about how you going uncouple the rollingstock.
wagons perform better than lighter wagons.
sure you have room to move.
One siding can have more than one industry
/ activity. Goods Shed with a Loading Bank.
small and add other activates at a later date.
track need to be in comfortable reach for the operator.
point operations puts the operator on the ground in the yard and are easy to
use. Panels with switches and electric points can make it harder to understand
and put operators off.
of your feet, something soft to walk on will make it more comfortable and
is more, keep it simple.
System 1 Cards set up in destination blocks.
A small stand clips to the layout edge for System 2 cards.
Small Trains can provided a lot of prototype
operations on a small layout and fun.
Think out of the box, sometimes you save
moves by going to the back of the train.
provide another dimension to the layout which can bring much enjoyment, these
two methods can be employed if you are on your own or with a couple of mates.
Plus, you can enjoy the session if you only have a few minutes to spare.
Give your railway a season to be there just like the prototype.
Have fun and enjoy it.
Arthur H.
Give your railway a season to be there just like the prototype.
Have fun and enjoy it.
Arthur H.
I wish more authors of this type of content would take the time you did to research and write so well. I am very impressed with your vision and insight.pnr status
ReplyDeleteThank you, much appreciated..