wagon was built in 1954 to convey materials for the Tully Hydro Project. The
wagon was somewhat unique in a number of ways. Other rail networks refer to his
type of wagon as a depressed flat wagons.
to the construction of PJW 30700, QGR only had one wagon for oversize loads.
The 32 foot timber framed PJM wagon had a 15 foot recess floor in the centre
section of the wagon which was just a 10 inches lower than a standard platform
wagon. The recess floor was 6 feet nine inches wide and was strengthen by two
steel beams under the wagon frame. The wagon could carry 22 ton `4 cwt. The
photo below shows the wagon being loaded at Roma Street in 24 Road. I just love
the work practices of this era, I’m sure today CEO’s would not be to impressed
with them.
PJM 18536 Roma Street, 24 Road, 11’ 6’
dia. cylinder for Gympie.1963.
30700 was all steel construction, 45 feet (13 720) long over headstocks, that is
equal to just over 4 “F” wagons/ 2 “H” wagons or 4 units. The drop centre section
was 16 feet 3 inches long and timber floor was just one foot two inches above
the rail head. That’s about 1 foot nine inches lower that a standard floor
height. The wagon was fitted with six wheeled bogie, I’m not aware of any other
goods/freight wagon with six wheeled bogie. The wheels were 2’ 2” dia. with 9”
x 4½” journals, the axle boxes were the same as a C17 tender bogie. The wagon had a tare weight of 27 tons and
could carry 37 tons, that’s a gross of 54 tons. With less than a 10 ton axle
load, the wagon could be used on all lines fully loaded. With approval a 7.1
tonne overload i.e. max. load of 44.7 tonnes was allowed. Supports for loads in
the well section should be as far apart as possible. When loads are supported
on the decking above the bogies, such supports should not be outside the bogie
centres. Final location of such loading points was subject to approval.

Photos AMRA Qld Library, Keith McDonald
wagon was painted black and in the 1970’s painted grey like other steel wagons
at the time.
Ipswich North Yard . 26.03.1988 Photo AMRA Qld Library, Keith McDonald
wagon did not have air brakes and was marked with two disconnected semi-circles
coloured red on a white back ground. The 1962 General Appendix shows the wagon
did not have a hand brake and sprags must be used to hold the vehicle when
stationary. When not required for special loads in the early days wagon was
used to convey bagged wheat from the Downs. The loaders at Malu found out the
hard way with the wagon derailing in the catch points. A metric plan (1974) shows
just one brake block coupled to a screw hand brake on the headstock, hardly a suitable
brake for controlled (loose) shunting of the wagon, most likely would only hold
the wagon stationary once place in a siding. This may of been a later
modification, some photos do show the bracket shown in the plan.
General Appendix provide the following instruction for wagons without brakes on
Goods Trains. Counting all 8-wheeled vans and wagons as being equal to two
4-wheeled wagons, the maximum number of wagons, loaded or empty, either pipe
wagons or with brakes cut out or defective, to be allowed on a train shall not
exceed the equivalent of one 4-wheeled wagon in every ten 4-wheeled wagons.
(Example; Thus in a train of eleven (11) 8-wheeled wagons and sixteen (16) 4-wheeled wagons, and one 8-wheeled brake van,
equivalent to forty (40) 4-wheeled wagons, it is permissible to have two
8-wheeled wagons or one 8-wheeled wagon and two 4-wheeled wagons with no
brakes. The PJW was to be treated as two 8-wheeled wagons. When looking at
photos where were some exceptions to this rule.
without brakes could not be placed on the rear of a train, in the good old days,
generally there must be at least two braked wagons on the rear of a train, in
later years this became six braked wagons must be on the rear of the train.
use of the wagon will at the direction of the General Manager Brisbane, to whom
application must be made.
the Roma Street days the wagon was held at Roma Street to wait there next job.
After Roma Street closed the well wagons were stowed at Yeerongpilly.
Roma Street, 24 Road. 15.04.1987 Photo AMRA Qld Library, Keith McDonald
recorded incidence of the wagon
Derailment PJW 30700 Garbutt ACF Siding during shunting.
Derailment of PJW 30700 Kolijo on 198D at the angle.
Derailment PJW 30700 Wooloongabba on 205 Down due to clay hole on a curve.
wagon was used to carry various load types. During the late 1980’s with high
demand to convey transforms for the main line electrification project, booking
for the wagon needed to made some 18 months in advance. Of the three well
wagons in use on the QR, the PJW saw the most use. As far as I aware, the wagon
is still in service as a workshop wagon at Ipswich Workshop for moving boilers.
11’ 6” dia. 39 ton Ball Mill for Mt Isa
Using the well wagon for the grader
saved removing the cabin. The hand brake “V” bracket is shown on the R/H end of
the wagon.
Dredge section from Roma Street to Mt.Garnet
1960. Photos of the dredge can be found on the internet. This would make an
interesting load.
photos shows part of the hand brake bracket on the R/H end.
30700 is the leading wagon on the train.
you model a prototype, photos like this are gold. The Winton mixed has been on
the layout before some time ago. But, this one is a little gem. Seeing the
photo in the weekly AMRA Qld newsletter, it was time for the train to make a
comeback on the layout.
Westgate SWR.
wagon on the layout was scratch built using styrene.

bogies were also scratch built from styrene, the wheel run in Steam Era
box covers were cut from retired Roundhouse bogies.
A jig was used to assemble the bogies.
bogies were mounted off centre to reduce the overhang on curves. The centre
wheelset has extra side movement for the curves. The coupler pocket was built
into the frame giving the end wheels extra clearance. Plumber’s lead sheet was
packed into the well section and on the slop section. This gives the wagon a
low centre of gravity and tracks very well on the layout.
at Peter’s photos I liked a couple of the loads, for now it will be the Shell
load on the wagon is not secured with securing equipment and blu tack is used
to keep the load on the wagon. The main reason for this to allow me to change
the loads and run the wagon empty. This relates back to my March 2019 blog
“What’s on our Trains”.
road tanker is a Herpa Elliptical Gas Tanker Trailer. Shell decals were
added. After purchasing the tanker a tri
axle vehicle was available.
runner wagon is a scratch built 26 ft. “P” wagon, securing timbers from a
previous load are still on the wagon.
for the wagons were produced by Ted Freeman Secretary of the Toowoomba Model
Railway Club.
wagon can be seen in action on a goods train crossing a passenger train 19
General Appendix.
photos shows part of the hand brake bracket on the R/H end.